Released articles about the game
All we know about Birds of Prey event in Fortnite
Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is coming to the cinemas starring by Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Ewan McGregor as Black Mask. Followed by leaked pieces of information on the website, we may expect the same-titled event in…
5. 2. 2020 18:49
Fortnite will get Avengers items tomorrow
Various crossovers, adding popular content from one game, movie or book to another, has become a relatively common trend of several past years. And since Fortnite is one of the most popular games of this time, it’s obvious that from time to time, it also…
24. 4. 2019 23:19
World Cup in Fortnite will have $30M prize pool
Perhaps, we do not have to introduce more or less. It's been a worldwide phenomenon which has its competitors, however less successful or newly growing Apex: Legends. Cartoon graphics along adrenaline to become the best player from one hundred fighters is…
25. 2. 2019 18:15
Fortnite revenues hit $500 million on iOS platform only
Fortnite for iOS on App Store was published by Epic Games last year on March 15. Fans of Battle Royale mode were delighted, but Android gamers were left empty-handed. Fortnite hasn't appeared on Google Play and probably never will. According to Sensor…
11. 2. 2019 17:35
Fourteen days of Fortnite is coming back due to a mistake by Epic Games
Fourteen days of Fortnite is coming back due to the uncertain ending date of the event. Epic Games is extending the game event for those who have had challenges in progress and did not finish them. It all should be starting soon this week and lasts until 15th…
7. 1. 2019 11:08
Fortnite holds the most-viewed gaming trailer
The current year 2018 is approaching the end and we have to admit that it was full of great newly released games. However, it’ very surprising that among YouTube videos, none of these new amazing and highly anticipated games was the most successful one. The…
28. 12. 2018 23:26
China bans a bunch of games
Reddit recently revealed that China has decided to impelement strict regulations on video games in the current market. The China's ethic's board has reviewed a number of games to see if games meet censorship requirements. Based on that review, almost…
12. 12. 2018 16:53
Fortnite's update v6.30 will be dynamite
Weekly update for Epic Games' Fortnite is bringing lots of changes and adjustments which affect the entire game itself. Partial adjustments make even now dynamic game more dynamic in a short time. For example, let's look at Grappler or taken off explosives.…
20. 11. 2018 11:37
Fortnite's Save the World won't be free this year
Earlier this year, studio Epic Games proclaimed that currently paid singleplayer titled Save the World would come out for free in the future for everyone. At this time, only Fortnite: Battle Royale mode is for free with optional purchases of accessories like…
23. 10. 2018 17:30
Quad Launcher is the upcoming weapon to Fortnite
Quad Launcher seems like a very interesting weapon in Fortnite. This weapon should be added to the game very soon because we are awaiting new patch alongside unlocking the new challenges. The quad launcher is described as follows: "Explosive Weapon: Military.…
9. 10. 2018 19:17
Purple cube in Fortnite is moving again
The purple cube in Fortnite has caused the creation of a new floating island which is, at this moment, very attractive for many gamers. Most of the locations across the map has changed, and other purple phosphorescing runes have appeared. The subsequent creation…
30. 9. 2018 21:06
Thanks to bus driver in Fortnite as a subliminal signal?
Fortnite made by Epic Games is played mainly by a younger generation of children, so we can follow the change that recently appeared in the game, it is thanking to bus driver. First impulses could be triggered by people reactions on Reddit, where some of them wanted…
24. 9. 2018 20:00
A large purple cube in Fortnite melted
A legion of players and fans of Fortnite experienced many hours with the purple cube. It could hit you, push you, kill you and refill the shield or you just disturbed it to the phase it killed enemy player standing close. It had been wandering across the map for a…
20. 9. 2018 20:35
A new item "Port-a-Fortress" added to Fortnite
New toy was added in the latest patch to Fortnite which does not build up a small fortress but a big fortress decorated with jump platforms. Are you too lazy to build something? This item is exactly for you providing you higher position than the enemies would ever…
19. 9. 2018 19:25
Purple moving cube in Fortnite astonishes gamers
A large purple cube has grown on Fortnite's battle royale map which turns around slightly every hour and 34 minutes and slowly travels around the whole map. When you hop on the upper side of the cube, it hurls you when you touch it, it teleports you in the sky…
26. 8. 2018 21:21
A new item in Fortnite will be "Rift-To-Go"
To be a coward in Fortnite doesn't have to harmful and with a new forthcoming item called Rift-to-go you can do not minor miracles, exactly, save yourself a life and surprise an enemy. Rift-to-go in the inventory can be used anytime - among several…
22. 8. 2018 21:11
Rifts in Fortnite are going to close soon
The rifts have been progressively appearing on the sky in Fortnite serving as to port primarily different things. At this moment, the rifts serve as a teleport for players with any kind of equipment - understand - shopping carts or golf carts. Some of the Stonehenge…
15. 8. 2018 21:15
Where to find Rift portals in Fortnite?
Rift portals (rifts floating above the surface) are extraordinary elements since the start of the 5th season in Fortnite which enrich the game pleasantly. While fleeing in front of uprising zone, one rift comes in handy. Week 5 of Fortnite Season 5 offers a quest…
11. 8. 2018 07:23
Android version of Fortnite might not be on the list of Google Play games
Fortnite, currently the most popular battle royale multiplayer game worldwide, was released also on mobile devices with iOS at the beginning of April. And since the game is successful also on mobile platforms, it’s logical that an Android version is currently in…
31. 7. 2018 19:04
Playground mode returns back on Wednesday
Run, jump, build whatever you like and enjoy one-hour fun with your friends with whom you can fight in 1v1 and 2v2 regime. Earlier, Epic Games informed us that after the renew of Playground mode about to add new elements. Racing is available, enjoy the loot within…
24. 7. 2018 19:03
$100K donation by Anonymous on Ninja stream in readiness for GuardianCon
Ninja streamer has gotten involved in the Fortnite game for a long time and his every stream is loaded with a lot of respectable energy. In the recent article, we informed you about the loss of 40 000 subscribers due to two days-off by streamer attending the E3…
13. 7. 2018 19:43
Fortnite servers temporarily out of service
Epic Games developers were forced to shut down Fortnite servers temporarily due to investigate issues linked to matchmaking. The primary issues were matchmaking and login problems, but it wasn't necessary to shut down the servers. After that, another information…
13. 7. 2018 07:53
Playground Fortnite's mode ending next week
Fortnite rejoices in getting new modes every week which liven Fortnite itself up to be more entertaining. The latest interesting and expecting mode is Playground Mode coming to its end on 12th July from offered modes list. Playground mode wasn't time limited,…
10. 7. 2018 20:15
Fortnite 50vs50 mode is coming back
In the recent article, we informed you about the upcoming update which should have had added Playground mode in-game giving you free hand in building up buildings and constructions from different materials. Epic Games had to pull off the mode from the list because…
30. 6. 2018 18:50
Fortnite fifth season is knocking on the door
The fans will be delighted with the announcement of the upcoming fifth season for this year's summer to Fortnite. Weekly challenges (10, in total) were introduced and added to the game together with weekly updates. Many impossible to make challenges were made…
27. 6. 2018 14:56
Playground mode is heading to Fortnite
Playground mode is slowly heading to Fortnite as a one of many other. Build whatever you want in Playground mode. have you ever dreamed about building mythical crab and big llama from iron, wood or bricks? Dreams become true very soon and building whatever like…
25. 6. 2018 20:53
A swastika haven't been intentionally added to the game, Epic Games stated
Swastika in Fortnite? Combination of four iron basements creates a symbol you can see above. Combining these four flats creates plentifully used symbol by Nazi German during the Second World War. Group of friends wanted to create a circle dance floor while adjusting…
19. 6. 2018 18:48
Streamer Ninja took two days off and lost 40 000 subscribers
Streamer Ninja is worldwide known streamer of Fortnite from Epic Games. Ninja lives in Michigan in the USA with her wife and plays for professional e-sport team Luminosity Gaming. Ninja disposes of 250 000 subscribers who support this professional player. What…
14. 6. 2018 19:41
Fortnite could be released on Switch soon
The current popularity of Fortnite from Epic Games is unbelievably high and it’s hard to guess how high it can get in the future. Due to that, it’s logical that the developers are trying to deliver the game to even more players and to release it on as many…
1. 6. 2018 13:09
Epic Games stated about current development things in Fortnite
Studio Epic Games stands behind popular title as Fortnite it is obvious to think that developers will look after it very carefully and provide the gamers with the greatest comfort. Precisely! From the recently published blog post, we can learn more about Epic Games…
25. 5. 2018 21:52
Epic Games will provide $100m prize pool
Epic Games' blog post addresses passionate gamers in order to prepare their equipment and armoury. Dedicated players should start to train hard because Epic Games is going to provide $100m in season 2018/2019 in the prize pool for tournaments in Fortnite. …
22. 5. 2018 19:50
Fortnite for Android already this summer
Undoubtedly, Fortnite takes pleasure in popularity in children, but not only in them. Already in April, Fortnite was published on the iOS mobile platform in form of closed beta to which you could get entry key before you had signed up. A pressure on developers from…
20. 5. 2018 12:17
50vs50 mode is temporarily accessible in Fortnite
Epic Games with their Fortnite game prepares weekly new or repeated modes for their dedicated and loyal fans which enrich the game with more fun. At this moment, a 50vs50 mode is temporarily accessible when you take your glider, wave your friends flying in the bus…
13. 5. 2018 19:53
Hidden star near to prison complex in Fortnite
Yesterday, we informed you about revealing new Easter Egg in Battlefield 1 which unlocks a dog tag. Today, we have the rare information about Epic Games which play the games with us and whose developers hid a hidden star on the map which you should find only with a…
11. 5. 2018 21:50
Fortnite has itws own rap scene
Fortnite, Fortnite, Fortnite and I'ma all right. Those are the words of Czech streamer FattyPillow who predicted the rap songs about Fortnite were going to be popular, so he recorded one after a long time. Quality can be disputable, and to this date, FattyPillow…
7. 5. 2018 19:12
Follow the treasure map in Tomato Town - first week challenge
The fourth season has already begun in Fortnite made by Epic Games alongside with new weekly challenges and new rewards for those who are skilful and spend much more time in the game. With upcoming weekly challenges, players very often facing the issues with…
2. 5. 2018 12:51
A new weapon to Fortnite is called LMG
It hasn't been a long time when the new shotgun for a long-range was added to Fortnite from Epic Games. Weekly incoming patches with the new content are always loaded to the maximum with the interesting additions. The new light machine gun is going to fire fast,…
17. 4. 2018 16:05
A content update of patch 3.4 to Fortnite
Every week on Wednesday we are used to updating the Fortnite game from Epic Games. This time everything was a bit different from Epic Games which shows it ostentatiously that today's update started a new era in updating. The developers managed to do a step forward…
4. 4. 2018 20:50
Fortnite becomes the biggest game on YouTube
Fortnite from Epic Games is currently a world hit, it’s a fact. Thus, it is not a surprise that it also attracts more and more fans to watch streams of this game no matter on which channel. Recently, we informed you that the presence of the singer Drake helped…
2. 4. 2018 20:27
Get on your own rocket in Fortnite
You can spend your time as you wish in Fortnite. Easily, eliminate the opponents from the beginning, block up yourself in the distant area of the map, look up for weapons, track and watch the opponents to shoot them in the back or have a good time with the new…
31. 3. 2018 12:08
Is it worth buying a Fortnite Battle Pass?
When we were about to start with Fortnite made by Epic Games, we didn't know what we were facing to. Without any pieces of information, some of us downloaded Fortnite to PC, and several did the download it to PS4. A big mass of people deserted from…
27. 3. 2018 16:21
Fortnite's February revenues surpassed 126 million USD
Fortnite title from Epic Games cannot be introduced because in the recent time we hear news about Battle Royale mode too much and competition between Epic Games and Bluehole is gaining momentum. Let the competition be as it is and look at the Fortnite quite…
24. 3. 2018 10:55
Replay system is coming to Fortnite soon
The studio Epic Games decided to make a replay mode which should make it easier to take footages from the Fortnite. Planning to add replay mode to the system which should help you to record some interesting footages of explosions, dodges, shoots and you get to know…
23. 3. 2018 18:50
Fortnite celebrates succes on mobile devices
Fortnite celebrates worldwide success, which does not need to be further explored. Not long ago, the Epic Games team decided to run the game on mobile devices, where they continue the trend of success. The official report, however, does not come from developers, but…
21. 3. 2018 17:23
Drake and professional player Ninja of Fortnite set a new record in veiwership
If you are the fans of Fortnite from Epic Games, you most likely know streamer Ninja, or you probably have heard about him earlier in the past. If not, we describe you the whole situation closer. Ninja is a professional Fortnite player who used to play PUBG,…
19. 3. 2018 12:35
Glitch in Fortnite caused temporary remove of Boogie Bomb
Fortnite contributions are more and more and popularity of the title from Epic Games, Fortnite is growing as well. The game expands on mobile platforms, but the studio assigns the invitations quite slowly for the certain number of possible players in order not to…
19. 3. 2018 12:13
50 celebrities will face 50 professional players in Fortnite at E3
Epic Games studio can't miss with their latest successful title Fortnite at E3 in Los Angeles. To do the event more attractive the studio has been preparing a curious show. Fortnite: Battle Royale is the very popular game around the world so the…
16. 3. 2018 14:20
Patch 3.3.0 for Fortnite
It was 10 o'clock in the morning, and it was indicating that Fortnite servers were about to shut down to let the developers implement a new patch which brought new additions and changes. Patch 3.3.0 should amuse us because the new elements have been added to the…
16. 3. 2018 13:56
A new patch 3.2.0 made for Fortnite
Repetitive information about Epic Games studio which is not forgetting about their dedicated fans and there is no doubt that the developers will focus on the players even more in the future time. The third season in Fortnite has already begun and many changes came…
11. 3. 2018 19:57
Fortnite will be available on mobile devices
Currently the game that has the most viewer on the streaming service Twich and numbers of viewers are still growing. In addition to the frequent events and patches which developers periodicaly add to the game, they've taken care of the next news, and…
10. 3. 2018 19:42
Fortnite has changed a life a little boy but which direction?
A younger generation fights with those situations every day. Electronics, PC, gaming consoles, DVD recorders, TV, TV series and movies linked to our life even younger children born after 2000 have got an extraordinary experience with these devices. The people …
10. 3. 2018 14:24
What brigns a new patch 3.1.0 to Fortnite
The developers from Epic Games do not be falling asleep recently and every week brings us new updates which brings many times very interesting elements. Yesterday, during breakfast time in 10 a.m. servers were shut down to maintain the servers and load a new update.…
2. 3. 2018 16:44
The third season in Fortnite
Most of the gaming community already has some awareness of Fortnite and Epic Games released a major update for upcoming next season. Changes relate to both the Battle Royal multiplayer mode and the Save the world singleplayer mode. Multiplayer - Battle Royale As…
24. 2. 2018 15:17
Celebration pack for Fortnite free for PS plus members
You most likely heard about Fortnite game from Epic Games which has become alongside PUBG tremendous game with Battle Royale mode. If you are a PS Plus subscriber, visit PS Store and get your cosmetic celebration pack for free. The offer is available …
14. 2. 2018 20:49
Fortnite - 60FPS mode, Valentine's day and game achievements
Fortnite is experiencing real gaming success, as it defeated PUBG's biggest competitor in the number of online players on February 4. PUBG had a record of 3.14 million players according to Steam, but now it is overcome because Fortnite played over 3.4 million…
11. 2. 2018 19:31