Fortnite, Fortnite, Fortnite and I'ma all right. Those are the words of Czech streamer FattyPillow who predicted the rap songs about Fortnite were going to be popular, so he recorded one after a long time. Quality can be disputable, and to this date, FattyPillow with his Fortnite song has nearly one million views.
Because Fortnite is the worldwide phenomenon, it is one of the most competitive titles for the last time. Conceivable are proud frag movies from Youtubers, but how to become more popular, than via rhythm and verses. So, many songs have appeared on Youtube, Spotify, Itunes and Soundcloud which are very often pleasantly surprising. In the article below, you can find several pieces which have been made with love and took much time to be composed. So, some of the songs are listenable and some of them less. It depends on your taste in music, rhythm and verses you like.
One hour rap battle includes names of many famous or more famous personalities linked to Fortnite. Each of them prepared few words to send them to the world. During playing Fortnite, you can press play and listen to this one-hour rap battle or any other songs made by YouTubers and streamers. If you know a Czech or other foreign language rap about Fortnite, do not hesitate to share it in the comment section below.
7. 5. 2018 19:12
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