The fans will be delighted with the announcement of the upcoming fifth season for this year's summer to Fortnite. Weekly challenges (10, in total) were introduced and added to the game together with weekly updates. Many impossible to make challenges were made easier by the developers and lots of weapons and additional content put on. The entire 4th season was floating infalling meteorites on the island where many craters were left by that in which could be found fragments providing you higher jumps and giving you an advantage ahead of the enemy.
The announcement of the 5th season is dated 12th July at 10 a.m. CET.
The original message was taken from subreddit added by Community Manager, Sean Hamilton.
"Heya folks,
Season 4 is coming to an end! We want to give you a heads up on the exact ending time. You may have seen the timer update in-game, which means we are giving you two more days to complete Season 4! Season 5 will begin on July 12th at 4 AM EDT (08:00 GMT).
Want even more help earning those last few Battle Pass rewards? We’ll be running a +100% match XP weekend starting June 29th at 4AM EDT (08:00 GMT) and ending on July 2nd at 3AM EDT (07:00 GMT). Hop in, catch up on challenges, and earn those Season 4 rewards while you can!"
27. 6. 2018 14:56
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