Currently the game that has the most viewer on the streaming service Twich and numbers of viewers are still growing. In addition to the frequent events and patches which developers periodicaly add to the game, they've taken care of the next news, and it's not just a common news. The Battle Royale mode will be also available for mobile devices, first on iOS, over time and on Android. However, it wont be helper applications that will draw on the popularity of the game, but a full-featured version that will expand cross-platform gaming.
Developers from Epic Games promise that the mobile version of the game will receive the same regular updates as other platforms. If you are interested, you sign up to the beta version on Monday 12.3. on this link, if you will be lucky the developers will send you an invitation.
You must own at least one device from this list: iPhone 6S/SE, iPad Mini 4, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad 2017. You must also have at least iOS 11 on your device.
10. 3. 2018 19:42
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