Studio Epic Games stands behind popular title as Fortnite it is obvious to think that developers will look after it very carefully and provide the gamers with the greatest comfort. Precisely! From the recently published blog post, we can learn more about Epic Games developers' plans and steps to the future, how to improve gamer's experience and how to go forward to players.
One of the priorities is the controller on which Epic Games wants to focus the most. Building in Fortnite is essential, so there is no doubt that players during any freeze provide negative feedback. Improving the game stands on the feedback from the people. Patch 4.3 adjusted "Turbo building" and Edit Mode either, which is adjustable along with Auto Aim. While auto aiming, the cursor floats to the closest square, with the upcoming patch you will be able to turn off this feature. To the future, you should remap your controller according to your needs.
Limited modes are urgent diversification of the game, and the developers managed to build 50vs50 mode into the game which is very popular by the gamers. In recent time, there had been an attempt to try competitive mode in which the players with the highest score (wins) gain 50 000 V-bucks. Even this competitive mode could offer the gamer the opportunities to fight with lots of other players. The new impressive forthcoming mode will be Playground LTM(v1), which draw you in the Battle Royale with several adjustments. More time for exploring the map, more resources, many chests and Llamas spread across the map. Weekly challenges cannot be fulfilled in this mode.
Servers' performance, device performance on which the game is running and performance, in general, belong to the most important factors which have a huge impact on the game and gamer's experiences. Some of the gamers encounter with unpleasant freezes during any actions. Whatever it is building or shooting enemies. Running and shooting have the greatest impact on the servers' performance than a gamer who sits in the corner of the map and do nothing. That's why only one second plays the first fiddle during it you may die instantly (in freeze time). Also, these problems are in the sight of the developers' view, so they have adjusted frequency from 20 Hz to 30 Hz. When 23 players or less are still alive on the map, the frequency raises up to 33 Hz, so it shouldn't happen the game would freeze any time.
Among the improvements should appear notifications which informs you about the progress of certain challenge. Once you fulfil one, the notification should appear. The main developers' goal is to provide the players to adjust the strategy during the game and follow the right direction. A victory in Battle Royale is also the awesome experience for some players that shouldn't have been forgotten, so the developers think about it too. Final screen should undergo changes very soon. Game navigation is clear but not working anytime. At this moment, the developers are interested in in-game marks that would make the communication easier. The map should get through the change in detail to reach the higher resolution. Enemies' steps and sound play the first fiddle and belong among the important things to be adjusted. For example, the sounds above you or below you are still in solution. As a watcher, you should see more information about ammo, weapons and, for example, all the things that a certain player is keeping on in the inventory. Epic Games will focus on the outfit collection in the future to you to know, how rare outfit you own.
Afterwards, the replay mode will go through some changes. Adjusting the camera for better shots and focus at the team of players and not only at one player. Epic Games would also want to add x-ray to the game that you could watch a person from a far distance running into the building without having to zoom into the building with the camera too.
Some changes have been already added and implemented, and others are waiting to be added too. Changes mentioned above should appear in the game or a little bit adjusted. All of the changes should lead to better game experience to a person who just came home from work could enjoy the highly-developed game without freezes and unnecessary imperfections with a group of friends. Stay tuned what Epic Games will prepare for us and which steps Fortnite will take. Battle Royale is on the upswing, but how long is it going to last?
25. 5. 2018 21:52
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