The purple cube in Fortnite has caused the creation of a new floating island which is, at this moment, very attractive for many gamers. Most of the locations across the map has changed, and other purple phosphorescing runes have appeared. The subsequent creation of Haunted Castle, Corn Fields and Corrupted Areas does have something with the purple cube.
Data miner FNBRLeaks know how to delight fans of Fortnite who within the several months predicts Fortnite evolution. We may read in the source code that the purple cube will be moving again, but its size as well, so it has a close connection with the sixth season. It seems like the cube will be even noisier. One little turn was able to scare the nearest gamers.
So, the cube is going to grow this season
— Fortnite: Battle Royale Leaks (@FNBRLeaks) 28. září 2018
30. 9. 2018 21:06
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