Playground mode is slowly heading to Fortnite as a one of many other. Build whatever you want in Playground mode. have you ever dreamed about building mythical crab and big llama from iron, wood or bricks? Dreams become true very soon and building whatever like construction will be possible with one hundred players battlefield or as a soloist. Everybody who hasn't know yet how to defend with platforms - Epic Games decided to give you a chance to improve yourself and get it to the final end of the game, to win Battle Royale.
According to the latest news by developers, we know that on the deserted island you can build alone or in squad mode - up to 4 people. Teamkilling is allowed to, so try to build up a big tower and shoot down several friends, if you want, enemies.
On the island, you won't meet permanently pesky enemies who always wanted to destroy your construction, that's why the mode is going to be an awesome place for practising your skill and improving in building platforms. There is a chance that Playground mode could be added to Fortnite, once and for all.
25. 6. 2018 20:53
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