A large purple cube has grown on Fortnite's battle royale map which turns around slightly every hour and 34 minutes and slowly travels around the whole map. When you hop on the upper side of the cube, it hurls you when you touch it, it teleports you in the sky as well as Rift-to-go item when you shoot at it, sparks come out of it, and when you come closer, it causes slow shield regeneration. Everything began when the sky became purple in the rift spot from when the purple thunderbolt hit the South-East area of the map. Then the thunderbolt started to destroy every cactus located in the circle. A large cube has appeared on the spot after destroying every cactus as you can see down below in the Twitter post. For now, we can only speculate what the new cube is going to bring up and what is it going to mean for the gamers?
Update 1: Staying close near the cube for a long time is not worth it, because every shot can irritate the cube too much that via lighting it deals damage to the closest player and may catapult him. Long jumping on the upper side of the cube may catapult one of the players and cause death. At this moment, we don't recommend to stay next to the cube to regenerate your shield bar for a long time. A small hint may be gunfire from the far distance to the cube with the hope it finds its victim, and one skull will be added on your kill list.
26. 8. 2018 21:21
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