A legion of players and fans of Fortnite experienced many hours with the purple cube. It could hit you, push you, kill you and refill the shield or you just disturbed it to the phase it killed enemy player standing close. It had been wandering across the map for a few weeks, and no one was absolutely sure what is it going to be for, or how is it going to transform to be useful. This deadly thing was arbitrarily moving to Loot Lake, and it has attracted eyes of witnesses who didn't want to miss it. The Cube smoothly arrived in the middle of the Loot Lake and started to drown. Subsequent depth explosion caused the water surface became the jumping platform.
Only one fact we can leak is that something's really happening and we get to know more soon about a new forthcoming season, alongside with the adventure of a huge purple cube.
20. 9. 2018 20:35
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