Released articles about the platform
Gaming on older devices? Now you can!
Gaming via streaming is trendy that follows a lot of companies, although sometimes not quite right. Nvidia with their service, GeForce Now points out to be the key indicator in the technological future. If you don't know how this kind of service works, the…
18. 2. 2020 19:40 0
The Game Awards nominees announced
The annual popular event announcing the best games of the year, known as The Game Awards, is slowly approaching while the organizers are promising to make it one of the best events ever since many new interesting titles should be announced during the ceremony. But…
13. 11. 2018 22:20 0
Germany forbid retailers to use vague date of release
Presenting vague release of date is from now forbidden in Germany by the law, and it applies to all of the products. A prohibition is related to phrases like "coming soon", "available soon" and so on. In that case, a retailer has to bring out a…
16. 7. 2018 14:58 0
Should we expect price increase of graphic cards?
In the last year, we registered the enormous price increase of graphics cards and cryptocurrencies stand behind that. Last year in the autumn, a lot of words were spoken about cryptocurrencies, and during a few weeks keyword, #bitcoin became the most searching word…
5. 7. 2018 16:34 0
Facebook will allow streaming directly from PC games and will reward visitors
Soon, Facebook is planning to release a new version of “Facebook Games SDK” which is a special API (a programming interface) that allows players to connect game and other gaming elements with the social site Facebook. Except for several minor changes,…
19. 3. 2018 23:20 0
Facebook is preparing a new streaming service
Every player who wants to share his gameplays with the rest of the world usually uses YouTube or Twitch. That is something Facebook knows as well and realizes that this field could be an additional source of money so Facebook has decided to create a streaming service.…
28. 1. 2018 19:01 0
Hennig: People want SP games but Do not buy them
Amy Hennig's Star Wars under the baton of Visceral Games studio was a very anticipated game throughout adventure games by fans of single player games. You may have noticed the project has been cancelled and studio Visceral Games was closed. It all…
19. 1. 2018 18:00 0
Game revenues expected to reach $235bn by 2022
New research suggests the games industry could be generating well over $200 billion within the next few years. The Games Report Q1 2018 by Digi-Capital forecasts that the combined revenues of video games hardware and software could be in the region of …
18. 1. 2018 19:00 2
Simulator, which has to prepare teachers for crisis situation
The Gizmodo magazine has recently revealed that the US Army is working on a learning game that will be aimed primarily at teachers. It should be about behavioral training in crisis situations and is developed under the Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social…
6. 1. 2018 19:35 1