Fortnite celebrates worldwide success, which does not need to be further explored. Not long ago, the Epic Games team decided to run the game on mobile devices, where they continue the trend of success. The official report, however, does not come from developers, but from website SensorTower. According to this server, Fortnite can boast a $ 1.5 million earnings, and that's nice for the first 72 hours. The interest in this game is indisputable, and it proves the fact that it is the most downloaded title in more than forty countries.
At the same time, information gameplay appears. Of course, the difference between playing on a touch screen with a smaller display and between mouse and keyboard or gameped is also understandable. As a result, iOS players have received a variety of sceneries, including indicating the direction from which you are attacked or simply out of the direction of something happening. In this case, you also see a pointer indicating the level of risk by color.
However, the first responses are positive and we have to say that developers proved themselfs with this act.
21. 3. 2018 17:23
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