Most of the gaming community already has some awareness of Fortnite and Epic Games released a major update for upcoming next season. Changes relate to both the Battle Royal multiplayer mode and the Save the world singleplayer mode.
Multiplayer - Battle Royale
As for the consoles, Battle Royal runs on 60 FPS, not only for PS4 Pro or Xbox One X players - this is also true for the basic PS4 and Xbox One versions. However, Epic Games developers have added yet another option, playing 30 FPS - if you prefer visual quality improvement at the expense of the framerate.
Changes were also made to improve building of walls. Now it is possible to build over most of the objects. The great novelty among the weapons is the so-called Hand Cannon. This handgun uses heavy ammo, has an epic and legendary version and can be found in chests or supply droplets. Other weapon changes include, for example, granades lost the ability to do critical damage or the removal of rapid switching between shotguns.
At the same time, a new Battle Pass was introduced with this patch. It costs 950 V-bucks and contains even more rewards than its previous versions. According to the developers themselves, earning the rewards should take the same amount of time - you only get more things.
Singleplayer - Save the World
The main addition to single-player mode is undoubtedly a new means of transport, Hoverboard. You can get it after the tutorial is completed and you do not need any energy to use it. However, it takes 3 seconds for it to summon, and any damage you suffer will knock you off. There is also a new chapter on Spring It On, which includes new tasks, activities and already announced Dragon weapons.
24. 2. 2018 15:17
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