Yesterday, we informed you about revealing new Easter Egg in Battlefield 1 which unlocks a dog tag. Today, we have the rare information about Epic Games which play the games with us and whose developers hid a hidden star on the map which you should find only with a little invisible help which has been unseen, until now. Hidden star is not a part of anything, and there might be a connection among weekly challenges which should test you if you are able to get over them. A closer look at the introductory picture, focus on the fish dancer above his head where you can see the photo shoot of exploding tower. Turn the attention at the tower where a little invisible star is hidden.
In the picture below, you can see the star location where the character stands. Collecting will provide you with the free progress in Tier level (10 stars). Nothing more in detail I have not explored that it could be a part of some puzzle. In the lowest section of the article, you can see the map where the exact location is circled. Fly to the definite place and collect the reward. Let's hope the developers will provide us with a new hidden star in the next week update.
11. 5. 2018 21:50
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