The developers from Epic Games do not be falling asleep recently and every week brings us new updates which brings many times very interesting elements. Yesterday, during breakfast time in 10 a.m. servers were shut down to maintain the servers and load a new update. The patch in 3.1.0 version reached at device PlayStation 4 roughly before noon of the size of 2.7 GB. And we will look at those elements which have been brought by the patch from Epic Games.
From preview image, you can learn that upcoming new lunar year in China brought to Fortnite typical buildings in China. Earlier in the previous patch, we could spot some buildings in the woods where the chests were hidden and also boxes with ammo. Epic Games aren't done with a few buildings but built up a whole city "Lucky Landing" on the south of the map. Do not hesitate to make a trip to Lucky Landing and pit one's strength with other nosy parkers.
The next interesting addition is a rare new weapon, a.k.a. hunting rifle. Drop rate of this weapon is not that high to be owned every game. Narrow sight without moving guarantee you a straight shot to the enemy's head but also slow loading. The weapon is suitable for shooters who like sniper rifles. I have to say wearing a bush on can cause a bad view. This kind of problem should be fixed in the next update.
Follow-up fixes are linked with optimization of CPU on PC due to loading weapons or frame rate running enemies insofar. Some chests have been removed from several floors in Tilted Towers and occurrence of weapons on the specific floors. Drop rate of Legendary weapon has been increased. Even a problem on PlayStation 4 has been fixed which caused reset option from 60 FPS to 30 FPS. And the biggest comment is about to delight soccer players who were used to play soccer in Pleasant Park, score table has been repaired and shows the right score.
Another two additions in form of dragon pump shotgun and skin are coming to paid singleplayer "Save the World".
Patch not can be found on the official website of Epic Games.
2. 3. 2018 16:44
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