It hasn't been a long time when the new shotgun for a long-range was added to Fortnite from Epic Games. Weekly incoming patches with the new content are always loaded to the maximum with the interesting additions. The new light machine gun is going to fire fast, have a large magazine and slow loading. It sounds like the unattractive weapon which has similar abilities like a machine gun, able to destroy every building and structure in the game. In the picture is a tripod attached to the weapon which should provide a better accuracy while crouching. We will see, it is going to be a surprise.
From the website interested in data mining from the Fortnite game, we know that the weapon in the picture is likely identic to a machine gun. With the difference, that new LMG will deal a higher DMG (26 versus 16 per shot), and fire smoothly than the hectic machine gun. The magazine is set to 100 cartridges, and its change will take more time. The spread of bullets should be identic to the machine gun, that means while shooting at the specific target the bullets will fly around the spot.
Honestly, the machine gun is a favourite weapon for those players who enjoy the game and want to make the enemy feel uncomfortable due to shooting to his structure and demolish nearly everything. How does it look like when one thousand cartridges are in the inventory? It's a massacre. I dare to say, that most of the players do not shoot with the machine gun.
We will see what new LMG is going to bring up and may delight many players who love shooting with such weapons.
17. 4. 2018 16:05
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