Swastika in Fortnite? Combination of four iron basements creates a symbol you can see above. Combining these four flats creates plentifully used symbol by Nazi German during the Second World War. Group of friends wanted to create a circle dance floor while adjusting the floor they found out that four platforms made a symbol in the centre which outraged gamers' community.
Firstly, someone pointed out the post as a "fake" one because names in the picture were blurred. According to the reaction of Community Manager for Epic Games, DanDaDaDaDan, who wrote.
"Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This was unintended and will be addressed ASAP by adjusting the metal piece art!"
For the Epic Games' developers, it's the highest time to remove the symbol from the game. At this moment, updates are locked because the recent update has taken place. Adjustment those iron platforms is coming out with a forthcoming patch to avoid misunderstanding, and the symbol is going to be removed forever. Iron platforms should look like this after the update.
19. 6. 2018 18:48
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