The studio Epic Games decided to make a replay mode which should make it easier to take footages from the Fortnite. Planning to add replay mode to the system which should help you to record some interesting footages of explosions, dodges, shoots and you get to know how bad or good you were in the last game. Everything will be easier with a new tool which focuses on players who like to use cinematic footages to their videos.
This tool coming out very "soon". The developers who have been working on Unreal Engine should have this tool very soon in the summer with an upcoming new version of Unreal Engine 4.20.
In the video inserted below, you can see how the tool works and how easy it will be to control everything. Epic Games contacted a man Alastair aka Ali-A, who records footages on Youtube. Editing will be easy even via a gamepad.
Live camera with a record in which you will be able to edit exposition, aperture, long focus, automatic focusing and focusing on distances. Earlier, the developers from Epic Games announced that many players wanted to make some progress in Fortnite so that's why this tool would be coming out and fans would be able to spend more time with Fortnite. To analyze mistakes which were made earlier and were standing in front of you to become a winner.
We do not know yet, when will the tool be available and if the replay mode will be coming out for mobile platforms. The developers gave information away that tool would be coming on PC and consoles only. The founder and CEO of Epic Games Tim Sweeney confided with several sentences, that iOS and Android on mobile platforms are closing to AAA PC and console games. Which means that every platform should get this interesting tool too.
23. 3. 2018 18:50
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