It was 10 o'clock in the morning, and it was indicating that Fortnite servers were about to shut down to let the developers implement a new patch which brought new additions and changes. Patch 3.3.0 should amuse us because the new elements have been added to the game. The latest news is a contribution about Fortnite which is heading at mobile platforms iOS and Android. Let's have a look at the changes and additions closer (patch notes mainly for Battle Royale)
The package brings C4 explosives which can be placed at wherever you want and pull the trigger whenever you want to. What would you say to detonate the explosive while the enemy is stealing items from the chest? There is no better opportunity. The explosives can be found in treasures or on different floors in the buildings and nearly anywhere. The package contains max up to 10 explosive pieces. Check out the video below which is reflective of itself.
A Lama loot box has been added to the game (Llama supply) which has a great facial expression. She already knows what you will make to her. The lama can be found randomly on the map at those places where you would not have probably searched. Lama is something like a treasure but rarer. It will give you 500 pieces of wood, bricks or iron alongside 10 stacks of ammo, 3 traps and consumables. Only 3 Lamas appear randomly on the map.
All these additions have applied for Battle Royale. These things have changed in paid mode Save the World.
Reveal treacherous treasures, track the mythical creatures and brave shenanigans in "Luck of the Storm". The third character from the left (Shamrock Reclaimer Outlander) will offer players interesting abilities which may be used to trash enemies.
The performance of the servers in Fortnite has been adjusted in general. Reduced bandwidth of usage when players are jumping from flying bus. Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages will display properly when changing languages. The hunting rifle was fixed which should be causing environmental impact with its bullets (destroying trees etc.)
On 19th March the mode Blitz will be available which should force players to play more intensive, the times of storm are going to be adjusted. The maximum length should be around 15 minutes, mining for resources doubled and finding materials gained as well. Whatever you look at, it should be increased or shorten.
Fixed an issue causing the unintentional rotation of stairs. Fixed the situation when the player had to spend too much time with the eliminated enemy to collect his items.
The next changes are pettiness complicating changes of items in the menu, popping windows "news", sounds adjusted and effect of the shield optimized which caused FPS drops.
The original listing of patch notes you can find on the official website of Epic games.
16. 3. 2018 13:56
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