Finally, we know the exact date of the great expansion into Hearthstone. The expansion is called Kobolds & Catacombs and will be released on December 7 on the US server and a day later on the European one.
Expansion includes not only new cards, but also a new single-player mode called Dungeon Run, a "Recruit" gaming mechanism, and each player also gets the legendary card Marin the Fox.
"Essentially, Kobolds & Catacombs is the dungeon to end all dungeons. This set really is all about dungeons and treasure. We took a lot of our favorite dungeon crawl tropes and translated them to Hearthstone. You can definitely look forward to the result! ''
Designer words by Peter Whalen and Dave Kosak. They also promise terrible monsters, weird traps and many other things.
You can buy new card packs right now in the game. But you can open them only after official release.
30. 11. 2017 19:08
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