It was quite unexpected and a big surprise when THQ Nordic spontaneously released a demo version of Gothic Remake last year. The company did this action because it simply wanted to know whether there are enough people interested in playing the game and whether it's worth creating a full version.
Now, the company is here again and this time, it announced that the full version would be released for sure. THQ Nordic presented the statistics which clearly showed that more than 180,000 players had tried the demo version while approximately 40,000 of them had filled in the form where nearly everyone mentioned they wanted the full version of this remake.
Thus, the full remake version will be made and it should be developed in a newly founded studio in Barcelona where the demo was created as well. The game will be available on PC, PS5, and XBSX. However, the final release date has not been released yet.
20. 2. 2020 08:53
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