There has already been a lot of discussions when talking about a possible Nintendo Switch version of Hearthstone. Logically, it makes perfect sense to release the game on Switch because the handheld is very suitable for playing card games when travelling. But already several months ago, the game designer said that the company is not planning to create a Switch version. Despite that, many fans think Blizzard is only waiting until Nintendo Switch Online is launched and then people in the company will change their minds. Unfortunately, now it looks it’s not that true.
During the weekend event PAX East 2018, Ben Brode, the game director, provided an interview where he confirmed that despite many desires of their fans, they’re not currently planning to port the game to Switch or any other console. The reason for that is quite simple – although the port is possible, the game is already available on mobile devices so the developers think most of the players will rather play the game on their mobiles instead of turning on consoles and buying the game again which is not so comfortable.
The game was originally released at the beginning of 2014 while it has become a world hit and practically the most successful online card game. The long-time success is achieved mainly by a continuous support of the developers who are constantly innovating the game and adding a new content. Currently, the game has reached The Year of the Raven and in two days, it will get a completely new expansion called The Witchwood.
Hearthstone is currently available on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
10. 4. 2018 13:52
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