One-year long Hearthstone Championship Tour has reached the top and was ended by a grand finale which took place yesterday. During the finals, two players were fighting against each other – a tournament favourite “Fr0zen” from USA and a Taiwanese player called “tom60229”. And we can admit we saw a great battle.
Already in the beginning, the hottest favourite of the whole season “Fr0zen” started to fight heavily and didn’t want to give “tom60229” any chance to get any point. Thanks to that, he won the first two games and everything seemed to be decided when the score was 2-0. But it was even more surprising that “tom60229” managed to get back to the game, to win three games in a row and to become the world champion with the final score 3-2.
The final match was streamed via Twitch so thousands of people could watch the final battle online from their homes. But if you missed it you might appreciate the fact that the full record is still available and you can watch it below at the end of the article.
Sincere congratulations to tom60229 and we’re already looking forward to seeing more battles during the next season which is starting in February. If you also belong to big fans of Hearthstone, you should think about registering to the official tournament.
22. 1. 2018 23:35
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