When the remastered version of Dark Souls was announced several months ago, this message immediately resulted in a highly positive feedback. Thus, it might not be surprising that already during the first week, the game recorded nearly 250,000 copies sold worldwide which sounds like a great number considering the game is not a new IP but only a remaster. Unfortunately, the statistics did not include the Switch version because the release on this console was postponed and slightly delayed. But now, the release date is slowly approaching so the developers are here to remind us of such event.
The company Nintendo and the developer Bandai Namco have released a new trailer (well, nearly kind of commercial) of the upcoming game Dark Souls Remastered which suggests to all of you to keep calm. As everyone knows, Dark Souls belongs to one of the most difficult games (so-called hardcore games) so it’s obvious that many players get mad when playing the game. Due to that, it just sounds very funny when you imagine enjoying your time at home on a sofa with your console in your hands but being totally angry because of the game. Well, you can check it out for yourself how it looks like. The trailer, which is available below, shows it to you.
Dark Souls Remastered will be released on Switch on 19th October 2018 but currently, it’s already available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
25. 9. 2018 22:47
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