The narrative game Detroit: Become Human was originally released in May and thanks to a great atmospheric story, it attracted thousands of players who will never forget this great journey. Thus, it was not so surprising when the developers announced in August that over 1.5 million players had already tried the game. And today, we’re here with another interesting number.
Today, via the official Twitter account of Sony, the developers from Quantic Dream announced that more than 2 million copies of Detroit: Become Human had been sold worldwide. Of course, this number is not so high when compared to the most popular exclusive titles of this year (such as God of War or Marvel’s Spider-Man) but considering that this title is a pure narrative genre with a very narrow spectrum of fans, we have to admit that this number is just simply amazing. Even the developers revealed that Detroit is now their fastest-selling game to date so the title is even more successful than the popular thriller Heavy Rain.
Detroit: Become Human is currently available exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
12. 12. 2018 23:20
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