The interactive drama Detroit: Become Human was released nearly 3 months ago while it has managed to attract a lot of players since then. Already before, we got to know that the game had recorded the best launch in the whole history of Quantic Dream so it surpassed even the popular game Heavy Rain from 2010. Now, the game has recorded another important milestone.
Quantic Dream has announced that over 1.5 million players have already played the company’s newest title called Detroit: Become Human. Except for that, we learned that these players have spent more than 20 million hours by playing the game so it’s obvious the game is able to attract attention and to persuade most of the players to finish the game and to enjoy the story until the end. Let’s just hope the game will be so successful even in the future so Quantic Dream earns enough money to prepare another great title with an amazing story.
Detroit: Become Human is currently available exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
5. 8. 2018 18:54
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