Today, there’s a holiday for every lover of singleplayer games and brilliant stories, and, at the same time, the massive advertisement of Sony is getting to the end. One of the most anticipated games called Detroit: Become Human has just been released. And as we already informed you on Tuesday, the developers decided to release a mini-series about the world of the game with a new episode every day until the day of the release. And since the game was released today, the series is finished and the last episode is out now.
Today, the developers from Quantic Dream released the last episode of the mini-series called Detroit: Become Human – Shorts so the series is finished but it came with a lot of question marks which must have attracted even the latest players who were not sure whether to buy the game or not.
So, now we have an opportunity to watch all four episodes which tell us more about the world of Detroit: Become Human before the full game starts. Step by step, we meet Elijah Kamski, the creator of Androids and the founder of CyberLife, then Cloe, the first robotic personal assistant, but also Luther and Zlatko whose videos show the beginning of the Android’s revolution and also the fact that not all robots are handled as they should be. All the videos provide a great atmosphere so it’s obvious that the story of the full game will be amazing as well.
All the short episodes merged in one video are available below at the end of the article so don’t forget to check them out in order to have a proper introduction into the story of the game. Based on the first reviews, the game seems to be a great experience while most of the reviews do not hesitate to rank the game with the highest scores.
Starting today, Detroit: Become Human is available exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
25. 5. 2018 23:17
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