It seems that we will know about Detroit: Become Human from the French studio Quantic Dream nearly everything soon. Already before the release, the developers are uploading one video after another while each of them always gives us different view on the game. Last time, the music in the game was presented and we got to know that music for each main character had been composed by a different composer. Now, we got new short spots which aims to attract even more players to buy the game.
Sony and Quantic Dream are trying to use the last two weeks before the game Detroit: Become Human is released so they have just started launching new 30 seconds long TV spots. The first one was a spot with all the main characters emphasizing that every choice matters and can highly influence the whole story of the game. The second one introduced the character of Markus so now we can expect that the developers will come also with other spots soon presenting the next two characters – Kara and Connor.
As always, both the mentioned videos are available below so don’t hesitate and spend a few seconds of your life to see the new footage of this attractive game. And if you can wait no more, then don’t forget you can already download the demo of the game on PlayStation Store which allows you to play the first mission as Connor and his diplomatic task.
Detroit: Become Human is being released on 25th May 2018 exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
11. 5. 2018 23:29
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