As it is customary every year for Blizzcon to reveal so many new things, this year it was no different and we have the seventh datadisk for the World of Warcraft game called Battle for Azeroth. As is already the custom of the datadisc, it will bring a lot of new content, in the form of raising the maximum level to 120, the new continents for the Horde and the Alliance, joining the so-called allies - six at the beggining and Blizzard plans to add more of these allies in the future, new game modes Warfront and Island Expeditions, and the game is going to have a voice chat, which should considerably simplify the players' communication.
Expansion will take place two years after the events of Legion, where the Alliance and the Horde had to unite against the Fallen Legion and avert the end of the world. The events of the game are practically returning to the beginning of the whole story and the main topic will be the longstanding dispute between the Alliance and the Horde. From the trailer we can see how the Alliance, lead by the new King Anduin, conquers the Undercity, which is defended by the Horde with the new Chief Sylvanas. What this ancient dispute has sparked we can not confirm yet, whether it was Legion events when King Varian fell because Horde was forced to withdraw and not help the Alliance, or that the Teldrassil tree was ignited, but we do not know who committed the act. There is the theory that Jaine Proudmoore, who hated Horde with all her heart because of what Garrosh Hellscream did to her city and her people, but would she be able to make such a terrible thing that would spark the hammer of fight?! We will probably know this in time, if Blizzard gives us the facts that led to this dispute. Now there is only a cinematic, which is always epic!
7. 11. 2017 16:52
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