Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft has left behind a couple of years, specifically, on 23rd November it will be 14 years past since the game was released during which every 2 years new DLC used to come out. Many DLC's filled in the original concept with new items, new races or locations which have been added quite a bit. With forthcoming expansions, some of the dedicated fans wandered from the concept of World of Warcraft, and in a long-term, they have requested a return of the old version 1. 1.12 - Classic.
Early on, Blizzard got us to know that WoW: Classic was being developed, but it won't be just any old return to the roots but an enormous return to the past. At Blizzcon 2018, it was possible to try WoW: Classic demo out and also people from their home could purchase (still can) Virtual Ticket to this demo version. Choose Horde, and you end up in Barrens, choose Alliance and end up in Westfall. You get instantly 15 levels, and you have an option to level up to cap of 19th level. Dungeons are not available, but completing the quests and running across the map is not limited.
The demo is available until Monday, 12th November.
9. 11. 2018 21:00
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