On 23rd November 2018 on time World of Warcraft is celebrating 14 years anniversary at gaming scene, but before the celebration is coming out new DLC titled Battle for Azeroth. To celebrate the anniversary the developers published 50 minutes long video in which they describe the entire story of World of Warcraft which means that the video is suitable for older players, current players and also for those who haven't ever heard about World of Warcraft. The narrators take us on the long journey from the Classic version of the game through The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor and through, for now, the latest Legion.
It's been a long 14 years which gamers spent collecting flowers, killing monsters, exploring the dungeons, looting armour and weapons for better damage or defence. Unlimited golds, things in inventory but also brilliant time spent with friends together with the awesome soundtrack in the background. Passing through some locations for fun could be the favourite part of World of Warcraft too. Creating guilds, parties and raids for defeating bosses disposing of immoderate abilities was the goal of every wow player who wanted to reach rare items which would help him in progress. See 50 minutes long video below where you can get to know a lot of information.
30. 6. 2018 19:44
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