The entrance hall to the world of World of Warcraft promptly draws you into the hall of heroes in which you can create a unique character who will fight along the companions from Horde or Alliance fraction. Doubleagent set off on the different journey and has created a Panda character which was originally added to the game in DLC, Mists of Pandaria, and his credo has become to preserve neutrality. As a Pandaren, you start on the Wandering Island as a novice to gain experience up to 10th level afterwards you leave the island and choose specific fraction, Horde or Alliance. This bold man, also known as Doubleagent, didn't want to choose the fraction, so he has stayed in neutrality. His goal, like for every gamer, was to reach the 120th level which raises every year with the announcement of new DLC. As a faithful Pandaren, he has stayed on the island where he has been collecting flowers and has been mining ores. Every day he was wandering across the island on which he spent tens of hours.
To be exact, 175 days it took to Doubleagent to level up to level 90. As the time flew, he stopped sharing his game time publicly because of his fans and dissenters blamed him for spending time in the game is worthless for collecting the flowers in World of Warcraft. Although nobody has shaken Doubleagent's conviction to stop and he has bravely resisted the pressure of circumjacent, and he did it, he reached the 120th level in World of Warcraft: The Battle for Azeroth. According to his words, the journey doesn't end just right there he will go in for other characters like "normal" gamer.
All honour and recognition belong to him that he managed to persisted to the last moment in which many supporters were standing there by his side. Below, watch the recorded broadcast in which he reaches the 120th level cap.
30. 10. 2018 21:32
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