Marvel's Spider-Man came up recently, and our review of Spider-Man has gotten a very nice mark which Spider-Man has deserved rightful and the studio which stands behind the title. The exclusive title for PlayStation 4, according to rough estimates has attracted lots of players and also many new players who bought PlayStation 4 console alongside the Spider-Man game. Well, the game can be placed among the best selling games in comparison with the time period.
Everyone who owns the console and collets trophies know, to gain a platinum trophy isn't easy enough and mostly you have to spent so much time to get one of those. Gain all of the trophies in Bloodborne might be called a piece of art. But still, gain platinum trophy in Horizon: Zero Dawn is not that hard if you are a fan of the game and you are ready to spend even more than 80 hours in the game. In contrary, episodic games from TellTale Games, which unfortunately went to bankruptcy, are idealistic for gaining platinum trophies.
Below you can see how many percentages of players have gotten the platinum trophy by each game. By yourselves, you can check this number in your device in the trophy section by each game.
- Horizon Zero Dawn - 6.1 percent
- Infamous: Second Son - 5.8 percent
- Bloodborne - 5.6percent
- God of War - 5.5percent
- Gravity Rush 2 - 5.0percent
- Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - 3.3percent
- Until Dawn - 2.9percent
- Persona 5 - 2.4percent
- Detroit: Become Human - 2.1percent
- Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) - 1.6percent
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - .8percent
- The Last Guardian - .4percent
Do you belong among the trophy collectors in games listed above or do you like progress without taking care about the trophies?
7. 10. 2018 18:46
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