Marvel’s Spider-Man was released yesterday and based on existing reviews, the game is obviously very good and Sony has very likely come with another very important and strong PlayStation exclusive IP. But even when the game is released, the developers have no rest and are trying to advertise the game even more in order to address as many players as possible.
Today, the developers from Insomniac Games released an awesome trailer which is focused on combat system present in the game while it also shows how it was being developed. We can see how the developers were thinking and working in order to maximally utilize the surrounding environment and clever gadgets to eliminate all your targets. It’s definitely good that this aspect was prioritized during the development because together with swinging using your web, fighting is another great, funny and important part which makes the game such a good title. If you want to check the video on your own, it’s available below at the end of the article.
Marvel’s Spider-Man is currently available exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
8. 9. 2018 16:29
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