Insomniac Games officially confirmed Czech titles on their Twitter account yesterday which is coming out exclusively for PS4 only. After Uncharted, God of War and Detroit: Become Human, it is going to be the next exclusivity exclusiveness to a collection which Czech players enjoy in the mother tongue.
Although still waiting for the official statement made by Sony representative, but Czech subtitles make sense. PS4 is extensively owned console in Czech homes, so a translation of the big games pay off much more than on PS3. This mean, Czech Sony will get the permission even easier for translation of the big games, and it will confirm with appreciable extent in revenues.
Spiderman with Czech subtitles will fly to our devices on 7th September 2018. Alongside pre-order of the game you can get bonuses for free, for now, we know only two clothes as the video shows down below. For fans, there is going to be available a special edition.
12. 4. 2018 18:56
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