We are very happy to inform you about Kingdom Come Deliverance because it is a Czech game that has gotten over £ 1'000'000 on Kickstarter and it means that Kingdom Come has become the 12th most successful project on Kickstarter. Kickstarter project sponsors have also made it clear to Czech developers that they are very interested about the game. The medieval RPG game is set to Hussite age.
We know about the Kingdom Come Deliverance that the game is dated back to the Hussite era, when no magic or dragons existed, and the RPG game is needed to be very realistic. In the game we will meet people who can sometimes tell us very useful information, we will try to parry attack with the sword from the opponent, ride on horseback and much more.
16 minutes of gameplay is commented by two narrators who are trying to get into the bandit camp. Sneaking through the woods, tasting goulash from a kettle, or a sword and bow fight is also included in a quarter-hour show. The video also looks at the "stealth action" that is very important for the player who does not want to raise the alarm in the bandit camp. A fight with more than two opponents can be somewhat complicated. The task is clear: "Kill the bastard!"
21. 12. 2017 11:14
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