Do you like really valuable rewards? If so, what Blizzard did for comunity of players, you really fall in love. We are approaching the end of the season, and since it was very successful for Hearthstone, developers are rewarding their faithful players.
The event starts on February 1 at 18:00 CET and will take place until February 14 at 18:00 CET, the whole event will be named Quest for Packs.
Involvement in this event is completely free, all you have to do is have complete everyday quest, so when you do so, you get one ticket per day for 14 days. As a result, you can get up to 14 tickets, which gives you bigger chance of winning.
Rewards are divided into three groups:
1) GRAND PRIZE (for one player)
- 3000 packs: It contains 1000 pack from every expansion, which was announced during the year of Mammoth
- Lich King helm: You could see it in video with Ben Brode talks with Lich King
- Hearthstone merchendise: These are promotional items (shirts, caps, etc.)
2) Mammoth card bundle (for 1000 players)
3) Mammoth card pack (50 000 players)
- 1 pack from every expansion which was announced during the year of Mammoth
1. 2. 2018 12:48
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