In the newest video from Warhorse Studios, Dan Vávra himself, co-owner, writer and designer was talking about future steps which we should expect in several weeks. In the beginning, Dan Vávra prepared the talk of thanks how satisfied the developers are, together with the evaluation from reviewers, but even from players themselves. Unsurprisingly, many gamers around the world bought Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and it means that Warhorse Studios' developers are able to create an entirely new project in the future. He moderately admits the game doesn't suit everybody, but those who left the awesome reviews 10 out of 10, reputedly had been waiting for the game their whole life.
In the following minutes, Vávra mentions about bugs appearing in the game. As he mentioned, long game counting even more than 100 hours is time-consuming for game testers who have to get through the game constantly around with the feeling that fixing one bug might cause appearing new, unexpected one.
In more recent time, the music composed for games is much more popular than before, so the audience was able to hear a choir with accompanists to sing Kingdom Come: Deliverance music in the hall where the game music was originally recording. They, of course, couldn't miss that event. Standing ovation was the unforgettable experience for Dan Vávra, according to his words. The promised document from Warhorse Studios the fans will get very soon, as well as the footages from Combat Academy.
At the end of his talk, he states that they had been working several weeks ago before release patch 1.5 which should fix more than 200 bugs and add new features together with improvements.
Forthcoming DLC for Kingdom Come: Deliverance should be presented at E3 conference, and we will get to know more information about very soon. Check the video down below with Dan Vávra, in which you learn more information in detail.
7. 6. 2018 09:27
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