The upcoming historical action RPG Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey was leaked and thus prematurely announced already before E3 2018 started while we got nearly an identical game as the previous episode Origins, only set to a different time and location – into ancient Greece. And no matter if this disappointed you or satisfied that the great mechanism was kept in the game, you definitely want to know more about the game. Well, here it is.
The developers from Ubisoft have released the first developer diary which describes various aspects and especially main mechanisms of the game. As we already mentioned, the game is inspired by the previous episode which transformed originally an action adventure into an RPG series. And exactly these RPG mechanisms together with all the skills you can learn are discussed preferentially.
But except for that, you will learn more about various romances and different endings since you can dramatically influence the main story by your behaviour in the game. The newly released video is available below at the end of the article.
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on 5th October 2018.
4. 8. 2018 13:12
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