The next episode of the popular Assassin’s Creed series is planned to be released next year (so no new AC game this year), yet indices suggesting the setting of the next episode are slowly appearing and we might have now obtained a better idea what to expect of the new game. Based on the unofficial Easter Egg present in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 and partly due to the gamers’ creativity, it now seems that the new Assassin’s Creed game will be set to Norse mythology, very likely to the time of Vikings. All these assumptions come from a poster present in the game The Division 2 where you can see a person in a white coat with a red hood while holding a golden ball or a golden apple, well-known from the AC series as a “piece of Eden”. Moreover, the poster is entitled “Valhalla” so it’s obvious how the fans found out that the next game would be among Vikings.
Of course, Ubisoft refused to comment on the whole situation so it’s now a question whether this teaser is real or if it’s just a coincidence and a creative work of any designer. It looks like we will have to wait a bit longer until we find out the real answer. The picture of the mentioned poster is available below.
6. 4. 2019 01:05
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