There has already been said too much regarding Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and the criticism of their loot boxes. But why didn’t the game follow similar way as other games and did not use loot boxes only for selling skin packs? (It doesn’t mean it would have changed the whole issue much but it could be at least not so criticized.)
The main problem is Star Wars series itself. Due to the series, EA never wanted to implement customization of characters because it would have violated the canon and used non-official skins which are not present in any of the movies.
“It's an amazing brand that’s been built over many, many years, and so if you did a bunch of cosmetic things, you might start to violate the canon, right? Darth Vader in white probably doesn't make sense, versus in black. Not to mention you probably don't want Darth Vader in pink. No offense to pink, but I don't think that's right in the canon. So, there might be things that we can do cosmetically, and we’re working with Lucas[film] on that. But coming into it, it wasn’t as easy as if we were building a game around our own IP where it didn’t really matter. It matters in Star Wars, because Star Wars fans want realism. But Star Wars fans may also want to tailor things — a different colored lightsaber, things like that. So you might see some of that.”
However, in contrary to this statement, a “data miner” called Uninspired Zebra has come with an information that he had discovered hidden parts of the game which allow you to customize skins of characters. But why is something like this in the game if it’s not offered to players? The answer might be known just by EA but there are several options.
It is possible that customizations were considered sometimes in the past (even before the release) but then the idea was cancelled because (as mentioned previously) it violates the canon. However, it is also possible that the code was added to the game after the last update, the developers have changed their mind and the customization will be released in the future. But if it is for free or not, that is something no one knows.
The video and screens showing the possibilities of customization can be seen below at the bottom of the article. How do you feel about it?
1. 12. 2017 02:18
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