Released articles about the game
Battlefront II will get a new DLC next week
Star Wars Battlefront II became very famous shortly after its release and even though the game did not appreciate it in such context, it really attracted a lot of attention. Why? When the game was released, the well-known loot box affair started, these mystery boxes…
23. 11. 2018 15:04
SW: Battlefront 2 will be significantly changed
We’ve been talking about Star Wars: Battlefront 2 much and even more than anyone expected and wanted. Problems with loot boxes, half-baked progression system and absurdly high prices of skins and new heroes. All these things were reported by players. Fortunately…
25. 1. 2018 19:05
Experience pink Darth Vader in Battlefront 2
It’s not been such a long time since we came with an article that some data miners found locked character skins in the source code of Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Regarding this information, we also mentioned the statement of Blake Jorgensen, EA CFO, who said that…
7. 1. 2018 20:34
EA informs about the Battlefront's single-player expansion
The reaction about Battlefront 2 are most time a negative. Whether it's a short singleplayer, untapped brand potential, or an affair with a lootbox system. This time, however, the news are good. The Battlefront fan on Twitter complained…
24. 12. 2017 15:04
New SW: Battlefront 2 PS4 themes
As many players are currently enjoying a new Star Wars: Battlefront 2 free update containing the content of The Last Jedi, the developers from EA DICE have prepared two more surprises for owners of PlayStation 4. We are happy to inform you that two new themes have…
15. 12. 2017 00:22
Will Battlefront 2 get skin customization?
There has already been said too much regarding Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and the criticism of their loot boxes. But why didn’t the game follow similar way as other games and did not use loot boxes only for selling skin packs? (It doesn’t mean it would have…
1. 12. 2017 02:18
Another issues in Star wars: Battlefront 2
Yes, there is another problem. Not only is there controversial case with microtransactions and lootboxes, and as if it was not enough, in the last hours a wave of turmoil has risen again because of Battlefront 2 from EA. Why this time? This is a simple…
28. 11. 2017 19:44
Microtransaction have a continuation
If you recently read about our Battlefront II Microtransactions article and the associated case that deals with whether lootboxes are a type of gambling or not, we have another message for you. The case has been dealt with as part of a reddit or eventually with…
27. 11. 2017 13:52
Battlefront 2 got the first update
Even though the second episode of popular Star Wars: Battlefront was released less than a week ago, we’ve already heard about it more than we expected and more than some of us wanted to hear. Of course, we’re talking about the problem with…
22. 11. 2017 00:02
The loot box affair has a continuation
Yesterday, we informed you that the system of loot boxes (where you never know what is inside before you buy it) is under investigation by the Belgian Gaming Commission. It is unclear if the principle is not a form of gambling similar to slot machines or lottery…
17. 11. 2017 22:15
Playing Overwatch and Battlefront 2 might be marked as gambling
All the problems with gambling come from small upgrades which can be obtained not only by game progress but also by buying it for real money in form of so called microtransactions. This opportunity helps many players to improve their characters very fast without any…
16. 11. 2017 22:27
EA reduces costs of heroes in Battlefront 2
Even though Star Wars: Battlefront has not been released yet, several chosen players had the opportunity to try the game within the EA’s Origin Access programme. However, this step triggered a wave of negative feedback which EA didn’t expect. The…
14. 11. 2017 15:55
The Last Jedi
The release of Battlefront 2 is approaching, and with it, we have seen very positive news from developers! We will be given a content for the game, which will be completely free. The reason for this gift is the premiere of the eighth episode that will take place…
11. 11. 2017 14:53