The beginning of the new school year will not only impose students' responsibilities, but also the enjoyment of Spider-Man. Release date was officialy confirmed and it is set for September 7th. However, developers have explicitly said that Spider-Man will not get out of PS4.
It will be possible to buy not only a standard edition for $ 60, but also a collector's edition ($ 150) and even a digital Deluxe package that will cost $ 80. With pre-ordering any of the options you'll get a Spidey suit, Spider-drone or PSN avatar. It was also possible to find some information that we can look forward to. The game will run on both types of consoles in 30 frames per second, the map will be much larger than the previous one, and this will allow you to use quick travel with the New York subway. There is also a DLC called The City That Never Sleeps, which includes various suits. At the same time, images from the PS4 Pro were captured and you can see them below.
4. 4. 2018 21:32
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