Even though Overwatch was released a bit more than two years ago, it is still a very popular title which is currently one of the biggest multiplayer games. Moreover, the game is even more popular thanks to the fact it conducts huge eSports tournaments that attract even more players. But that’s still not enough for Blizzard so it continues to offer a very special event.
Blizzard has announced that during the following weekend, from 26th to 30th July, Overwatch would be playable completely for free on Windows PC. By this action, the developers follow the same pattern known from the previous months and offer the game to try for free once more. But this time, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are omitted so the offer is restricted only to PC.
During the free weekend, it will be possible to play as any of the 28 available characters including the newest one called Wrecking Ball. Except for that, it will be possible to choose from 18 maps, to level up by gaining XPs, and to earn and open loot boxes. As always, if you later decide to buy the game, you can use the same Blizzard account to carry over the game progress, so you can be sure you won’t lose your hours of playing the game. Thus, the offer is definitely worth to give it a try.
Overwatch is currently available exclusively only on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
22. 7. 2018 20:36
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