A few days ago, we informed you that the FPS game Overwatch is getting Halloween event like last year. Not only did we see it running in the form of Junkenstein's Revenge, but this patch contains changes for one of the characters, Torbjorn, skins and much more.
Let's first look at Torbjorn in the new coat. He is no longer using armor packs and so-called 'scrap' system. His secondary ability has changed to Overload, which works on a similar principle as his older ultimate ability - increased armor, increased movement speed, attack speed and reload speed. They have also changed his turret, which can be 'thrown' at a greater distance and now has only one level, thus can not be upgraded. The new turret will target the enemies who are under attack of Torbjorn's Rivet Gun. New ultimate ability bears the same name as before, Molten Core. The Swedish technician will improve his left hook for 6 seconds and will shoot lava pools in this mode, damaging the enemies who stands in them.
Minor changes also affected Brigitte, Soldier, Doomfist, McCree, Mei, Orisa and Pharah. Among these, Pharah was the most modified, especially by changing the rocket launcher knockback and attack speed. The update also added a new 'colorblind' option, which now offers nine different color options for an enemy and friendly interface. Highlighting for shields and barriers was modified too, to better recognize them from the health bar.
Below you can see the new super duper skins!
10. 10. 2018 19:51
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