There’s nothing new about the fact that the producer of popular LEGO bricks started a collaboration with Blizzard some time ago. This kind of cooperation aiming to produce Overwatch themed LEGO building kits was firstly announced back in August but except for several minor “teasers”, these companies revealed nothing more about it. Not until now.
Thanks to an unplanned leak, we’ve just found out that there should be in total six Overwatch themed LEGO building kits while their price would range from $14.99 to $89.99. And even though this leaked info has already been removed from the original source, pictures of all the six editions are already spread all around the internet so we now know that we can expect special kits with characters such as Tracer, Reinhardt, Widowmaker, and several others. If you want to check the kits for yourself, then scroll down where you can find pictures of all the six versions.
We’re just reminding to all the players that Overwatch is currently available on all the three typical platforms which PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC are.
24. 10. 2018 22:07
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