It’s been a bit longer than a month since we posted an article where we informed that the upcoming Call of Duty game was being developed by Treyarch and that it might be called “Black Ops 4”. This was something that we heard from an insider Marcus Sellars. But today, much more interesting information appeared on the internet.
Firstly, there was a leak of pictures which were reportedly showing an internal database of the GameStop retailer. On the list, several various merchandise items appeared – things like T-shirts or lanyards. But the most important thing is that these items were related to “Black Ops 4”.
Of course, we can’t be sure if the screens are real or not but they look quite authentically. In any case, we need to emphasize that this is definitely not an official report so don’t take it too seriously. You can watch the photos in the picture below.
However, that’s not all. During the day, other fans started speculation about another possible leak. They assumed that a popular NBA player James Harden might have unintentionally leaked more indices which nicely correlates to the previous speculations. The player appeared in a video on Twitter where he was wearing a cap with four orange stripes looking like a logo of the popular Black Ops series.
Logically, the newest episode should be marked with a number ‘4’, eventually with a Roman numeral ‘IV’ but some fans think that Treyarch just simply do not follow the system and after the episodes called I, II and III, the developer decided to continue in the same way and call the fourth episode ‘IIII’. It definitely makes sense, especially when we consider the previous leaks.
Anyway, we still have no official statement so we are still waiting and we hope Activision will come with an official announcement soon. After that, it will be definitely fun to watch how close or how far we were from the actual situation and the real name.
7. 3. 2018 21:34
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