Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was released recently with extremely well-known Battle Royale mode which is titled Blackout mode. Fight to the death in Blackout mode with other opponents who use various weapons, armours and pieces of equipment during online battle. In the first forthcoming patch, do not expect ground-breaking changes but the armour will be weakened which used to resist very high impact.
Even though, Battle Royale has become the trendy accessory in a game, audio plays the first fiddle against other players. Enemies' footsteps on the ground floor or in the loft you must distinguish and await the attack from above or from stairs leading to a basement. Change of sound should be also a part of the upcoming patch.
This patch can be applied only for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, for now, and does not include only Blackout mode changes, but also fix other things in normal mode. PC version of the patch is scheduled to be about to come soon.
1. 11. 2018 20:55
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