Currently, a new episode of Call of Duty is logically already in development in order to be ready in fall this year as always. And even though we haven’t heard any official information yet, there have been some first news coming from other unofficial sources in past days.
Based on a Tweet which was posted by an insider Marcus Sellars, a new episode should be developed by Treyarch which is nothing surprising as it follows the regular three-years cycle. Similarly, the name “Black Ops 4” sounds logical after the last Treyarch game released in 2015 was called Black Ops III.
However, we got much more interesting information as well. According to Marcus, this year’s episode should be released not only on Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One but also on Switch from Nintendo. Such information only confirms the fact the console is getting more and more popular so more developers want to spend some time to deliver their games also on Switch.
Another interesting fact is that the new episode should be “boots on the ground” which means there won’t be any futuristic elements or jetpacks (as in Advanced Warfare) and it will contain only classical weapons used in present wars.
Of course, we can’t be absolutely sure if the Tweet is trustful or not but you should consider the fact the author Marcus Sellars has already revealed several true things such as release of Dark Souls and Nintendo Labo on Switch. Let’s just hope a new episode of Call of Duty will be at least as successful as the latest WWII which still tops sales charts and became the best-selling Call of Duty game in this generation.
5. 2. 2018 13:03
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