Far Cry 5 is quite common topic on our site these days, from the last articles I would point to the introduction of the Seed family or possibility to get the game for free. If you do not know about the season pass, I can tell you that it will be a real ride, I recommend you to visit this article, where we first analyzed the details and the content of this season pass.
Free content will include Far Cry Arcade editor. In this editor, players will be able to design their own levels. In the creation, players will have over 7,000 objects and will not only be from Far Cry 5 but also Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primal, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, and Watch Dogs. Custom maps can be shared with the community of players. Maps can be used in single player, cooperative, or PVP. Along with Far Cry Arcade, developers will regularly add events to the game.
Season pass will include 3 DLC and the Far Cry 3 remaster. From the beginning, I was a bit skeptical about this announcement, but now I'm really looking forward to play Far Cry 5 and this mad DLC. I hope the game will meet expectations and we will get a good action title.
We remind you that Far Cry 5 comes out March 27 on PC, PS4 and XONE.
7. 3. 2018 22:08
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