The discussion about the fact, if Far Cry 5 from Ubisoft is popular or not, does not make sense. Ubisoft informs the players and large gaming community about Far Cry 5 popularity. Before the releasing of the game, it was able to see a manual how to go through the game for about 10 minutes. As we already know, the fifth title sales in the series are almost doubled compared to the predecessor.
It is the second the best-selling title in the history of Ubisoft immediately after the "The Division". In the first week of sales, the game raked respectable 310 million USD. Ubisoft also added that it is the best-selling title in the series and 50 % of sales come from digital distribution. Within the first week, Twitch and Youtube streams counted 55 000 hours of broadcasting and attracted more than 117 million viewers. The both mentioned values are the record of Ubisoft mention in the first week after release.
An interesting view of the statistics the most used weapon is a spade.
Far Cry 5 came out on 27th March for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
From infographic, we can read a lot of interesting information.
7. 4. 2018 11:32
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